Friday, 26 March 2010

Jessup Moot - White and Case International Rounds - Day 4

There were two ties today. The first was against the University of Namibia. They came thought national qualifying round which consisted of 7 teams. They mooted as applicants, therefore Hazralika Hamzah and Faez Razak mooted as the respondents. The judging panel was very active as most of the panel could be classified as 'interventionist judges'.

The second tie of the day was against Heidberg University of Germany. The mooters speak impeccable English and they only time that their speech gave away any hint of their German origin was when they pronounced their names. For this tie, UiTM mooted as Applicants with Hazralika Hamzah and Afif Ahmayuddin. Once again, the judging panel was very active and the mooters did not have the chance to follow their scripts.

The top 24 teams were announced at a ceremony at the Lux Club (i.e. it is a bar) at half past ten at night. Unfortunately, UiTM did not make the top 24. This has been a great experience and we have learnt a lot. We hope to do a lot better next year.

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