Monday, 25 July 2011

IMLAM = Indeed Most Loved Avid memories

Tuesday, 5th of July 2011

As grand the beginning of the ordeal, as grand as the competition was, there shall also be a grand ending to IMLAM 2011. It doesn't take much to figure it out. When the table is set, a feast is dawning.

The Grand Dinner and the Prize Giving Ceremony of the International Maritime Law Moots 2011 was scheduled tonight. The premonition of the pleasant acquaintances and a hearty delicious meal, are all the reason the mooters need to excite themselves above and beyond to attend the grand dinner.

All of the 18 International Institutions had taken that step, that not all of us would have. The competition was fierce. The level of the competition was off the roof. The level of advocacy the participants presented, was extraordinary. Tonight, we all pat ourselves on the back for the good run we all had, and also, congratulate the exceptional winners of the various awards and prizes of IMLAM 2011.

The Final Results of the competition could be referred to through this link,

The MARA mooters donned beautiful and colorful traditional outfits. Mr. Auzan rocking a sleek Baju Melayu, while the proud ladies of MARA, Miss Alia Amran, Miss Atiqah Razif, Miss Hannah Nasir and Miss Ellena Razif were a sight to behold, in their gorgeous Baju Kurung. Exception to Mr. Fikri for his regretful forgetfulness to carry his Baju Melayu together for the trip. Yet, instead, he went on to try a failed attempt to dress like Alpacino in his later years.

The food was great and we couldn't be more thankful for the warm hospitality the organizers and the moot officials provided.

Eventually MARA was presented their certificate of participation by the Moot Director, Associate Professor Kate Lewins. We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate our mooters for their persistence and dedication.

During the evening, amdist all the congratulatory wishes, we also bid our farewells to the beautiful people of IMLAM that had made the competition a swell, enjoyable and outright memorable competition.

MARA with Universitas Gadjah Mada

Universitas Indonesia and Universitas Padjajaran. (Photo courtesy of Miss Ashila Reza from UPAD)

The Law School of Excellence (Dr. Ambedkar)

University of Goa.

Mr. David Martin Clarke. (Photo courtesy of Miss Aldila Mesra from UI)

The champions, Murdoch University.

University of Southampton and Queensland University of Technology

The beautiful ladies of IMLAM 2011

On one end, it was great to have congregated and just enjoy each others' acquaintances but it was heart-wrenching at the same time, to bid our goodbyes, and to part our ways.

As been told by our good friend Mr. Rifky and Mr. Dirgantara, what we feel right now, is what they call 'Galau' A state of mind of mixed feelings. Though it might have only been one week, but the bond we all had was steadfast. We all wished we had more time to spend together. In regards also to the fact that when we part tonight, it shall be a long time till the time we meet again.

I remembered telling them that, what I felt tonight was cheesy. But what touched my heart is when they told me, it is never cheesy or lame, if it came from the heart.

IMLAM is not only International Maritime Law Moots. It also stands for Indeed Most Loved Avid Memories.

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